
bat365在线官网登录:《英汉汉英笔译1》作业 英语2103班 蒋一家



Improved human well-being is one of the greatest triumphs of the modern era. The age of plenty has also led to an unexpected global health crisis: 2 billion people are either overweight or obese. Developed countries have been especially susceptible to unhealthy weight gain. However, developing countries are now facing a similar crisis. Obesity rates have peaked in high income countries but are accelerating elsewhere. The combined findings of the World Health Organization and the World Bank showed that in 2016 Asia was home to half the world’s overweight children. One quarter were in Africa. This crisis will test the political resolve of governments that have focused on ending hunger. These governments must understand that the factors making cities convenient and productive also make their residents prone to obesity. Urbanites enjoy a variety of food. International fast food chains are flourishing in developing countries. The health risks of such diets are compounded by the sedentary lifestyles of urban dwellers. People’s leisure time is also being occupied by television, movies, and video games in the growing number of households.



2020 was a difficult year for many reasons, including, of course, a global pandemic. In the year’s final days, my husband, our 17-year-old son, who loves to hike, and I had been cooped up at home for months. Over the summer, we had taken advantage of our unexpected time together, camping, hiking, and backpacking in California’s mountains. But winter found us housebound and feeling a bit trapped. Our annual pilgrimage to Joshua Tree National Park to stay with friends and “hike our guts out,” as I often put it, had been quashed by Northern California’s third lockdown. Like a caged coyote, I paced our little house in Davis, thinking I would lose my mind if I couldn’t do something to break up the tedium of sheltering in place in winter’s darkness.



班级: 英语2103

姓名: 蒋一家









  1. 漏译:这里的“a” “一场不宜省略.一场健康危机,是指下文将要提到的“肥胖危机”。

  2. 语言重复:“也面临着”和下一句“正面临着”略显累赘,参考译文翻译为把第二句翻译成“20亿人超重或肥胖”更加简洁明了。







  1. 理解错误:原文表达意思应是:肥胖率达到顶峰”而不是“肥胖率的增长”达到顶峰。参考译文处理为:肥胖率已经达到高峰。

  2. 错译:原文“half the world’s overweight children.并没有“超过”的意思,是错误的。参考译文“有一半在亚洲”







1、词性转换:“This crisis will test”译为“做出挑战”是动词,参考译文翻译为“将会是个考验”是把“test”翻译为名词,更符合汉语表达习惯。








2020年可谓不顺之年,原因很多,新冠疫情全球大流行当然位列其中。临近岁末,我和丈夫及我们同样喜欢徒步的 17 岁的儿子,已困在家中好几个月了。


  1. 选词:异常艰难”——不顺”。否定

  2. 表达习惯:汉语表达把“我”放在前面,我和我的丈夫”更符合表达习惯。








2、“hike our guts out”,当时时间不够没翻译出来,翻译成“走他个酣畅淋漓,哪怕把脚底走穿”。







1、翻译腔:我的译文被困的郊狼“是被“caged coyote的被动语态所影响,其实翻译成“囚笼里的狼”




Behind Chinas New Botanical Garden

On April 18, 2022, the China National Botanical Garden officially opened its doors to the public — almost 80 years after it was first proposed. And while he didn’t live to see it happen, no one loomed larger over last month’s ceremony than Hu Xiansu, the man who spent his entire career trying to bring the garden to life.

Hu was born in 1894 in Nanchang, the capital of the central province of Jiangxi. His intellect stood out from an early age, winning him a coveted spot in an elite overseas exchange program. After graduating from the University of California, Berkeley in 1916 with a degree in Botany, Hu was named the vice-director of the Jiangxi Lushan Bureau of Forestry. Not long after, he became a professor of agricultural sciences at Southeast University in the eastern city of Nanjing, where he teamed with zoologist Bing Zhi to found the country’s first ever Department of Biology.

It was an impressive start to his academic career, but Hu wasn’t satisfied. In 1923, he returned to the United States for a Ph.D. program at Harvard University.Harvard boasted some of the world’s top botanists, a wealth of Chinese botanical specimens, and the world-renowned Arnold Arboretum. It was a goldmine for a researcher like Hu. Yet he could never quite stomach the idea that a Chinese scholar should have to travel to the other side of the world to study Chinese plants. In a 1925 poem, he called it “a disgrace to the nation that my heart can hardly bear.”

In 1926, not long after finishing his Ph.D., Hu set about rectifying the situation. Arguing that plants represented an important industrial and agricultural resource, he sought funds for the construction of a botanical garden in Nanjing. In support of his plan, he pointed out that world-changing plant products like rubber, tea, and cinchona all benefitted from studies conducted in botanical gardens.

But just when Hu’s idea seemed to be gaining steam, it was abandoned when the ruling Kuomintang regime launched a major military expedition that summer.Undeterred, Hu tried again in 1933, this time proposing a botanical garden in Lushan, near where he grew up. At the time, northern China was under threat of invasion by the Japanese, and Hu tried leveraging this fear to get his project built. At a meeting that year, he declared the Lushan facility would not just be a botanical garden: Should the Japanese invade, it would also serve as “a base to which (other research institutes) could be relocated.” Hu rallied support and funding for his plan on trips across China, and in August 1934, the Lushan Forest Botanical Garden — later renamed the Lushan Botanical Garden — was officially founded.Modeled after the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, England, the Lushan Forest Botanical Garden was a remarkable, if short-lived, success. Between 1934 and 1938, the Garden developed a seed exchange network with botanical research institutes in China and abroad, carried out investigations into Chinese botanical resources, and cultivated more than 3,100 species of plants.







Behind China’s New Botanical Garden

1、Hu was born in 1894 in Nanchang, the capital of the central province of Jiangxi. His intellect stood out from an early age, winning him a coveted spot in an elite overseas exchange program.  


  1. 汉语综合与英语分析:“江西南昌”与Nanchang, the capital of the central province of Jiangxi.体现了汉语综合与英语分析的特点。在描述地点时,汉语习惯先讲大地方,再讲小地方,例如这里的“江西南昌”,而英语则习惯先讲小地方,再讲大地方,例如这里的Nanchang, the capital of the central province of Jiangxi.。

  2. 汉语主体、英语客体:“从小天资卓越”与“His intellect stood out from an early age”体现了汉语主体、英语客体的特点。英语常用无生命的物体做主语,例如这里的His intellect,按照英语原文,本应该翻译成他的才智,可是在翻译时,直接描述了这个人天资卓越。

2、It was an impressive start to his academic career, but Hu wasn’t satisfied.


  1. 汉语重主题、英语重主语:“对他的职业生涯来说,这是一个很不错的开始”与It was an impressive start to his academic career”体现了汉语重主题、英语重主语的特点。英语非常重视主语的存在,所以用了it来指代前面描述的事件,而汉语比较注重句子的主题;

  2. 汉语习惯多短句,英语多长句:这句话也将It was an impressive start to his academic career一句话翻译成对他的职业生涯来说,这是一个很不错的开始,这体现了汉语习惯多短句,而英语习惯多长句的特点。

3、In 1923, he returned to the United States for a Ph.D. program at Harvard University.


  1. 静态与动态:英语多静态(英语少用动词,用介词来表示动作意义的倾向,而汉语多用动词的固有形式。)原文英语介词for”翻译成汉语的“攻读”。

4、Yet he could never quite stomach the idea that a Chinese scholar should have to travel to the other side of the world to study Chinese plants. In a 1925 poem, he called it “a disgrace to the nation that my heart can hardly bear.”


  1. 汉语含蓄,英语直接:“那时中国人想研究中国植物却要远赴异国他乡,胡先骕很不喜欢这个感觉”与“Yet he could never quite stomach the idea that a Chinese scholar should have to travel to the other side of the world to study Chinese plants”体现了汉语含蓄与英语直接的特点。在发表对一件事的观点或者是情感时,英语习惯表态在前,叙事在后,汉语则相反。例如这一句的he could never quite stomach the idea,而在翻译成汉语时,却将这句表明态度的句子往后移,先讲了事件,再表明了自己的态度。

5、In 1926, not long after finishing his Ph.D..


  1. 介词省略:in 1926——1926年,更加符合汉语习惯。

6、In a 1925 poem, he called it “a disgrace to the nation that my heart can hardly bear.”


英语多形合,汉语多意合。英语原文使用了形合,将其表达为a disgrace to the nation that my heart can hardly bear”,并运用了that”来引导定语从句,使得整个句子在语法结构上更加完整,更符合中文的表达习惯。

7、Hu set about rectifying the situation. Arguing that plants represented an important industrial and agricultural resource, he sought funds for the construction of a botanical garden in Nanjing.


  1. 顺译法:当英语长句所表述的内容逻辑顺序和汉语一致时,可以直接按照原文顺序翻译。

8、In support of his plan, he pointed out that world-changing plant products like rubber, tea, and cinchona all benefitted from studies conducted in botanical gardens.


  1. 长句/短句:汉语多短句,英语多长句。 原文是 译文翻译拆分成三个短句。符合汉语多短句的特点。

9、But just when Hu’s idea seemed to be gaining steam, it was abandoned when the ruling Kuomintang regime launched a major military expedition that summer.


  1. 主动与被动:英语多被动,汉语多主动。原文was abandoned”译成“不得不终止。”

10、Undeterred, Hu tried again in 1933, this time proposing a botanical garden in Lushan, near where he grew up. At the time, northern China was under threat of invasion by the Japanese, and Hu tried leveraging this fear to get his project built. At a meeting that year, he declared the Lushan facility would not just be a botanical garden: Should the Japanese invade, it would also serve as “a base to which (other research institutes) could be relocated.”


11、Hu rallied support and funding for his plan on trips across China, and in August 1934, the Lushan Forest Botanical Garden — later renamed the Lushan Botanical Garden — was officially founded. Modeled after the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, England, the Lushan Forest Botanical Garden was a remarkable, if short-lived, success.


  1. 顺译法:当英语长句所表述的内容逻辑顺序和汉语一致时,可以直接按照原文顺序翻译。

  2. 主动被动:汉语多主动,英语多被动。原文“was officially founded”,被译为“正式成立符合汉语表达习惯。

12、Between 1934 and 1938, the Garden developed a seed exchange network with botanical research institutes in China and abroad, carried out investigations into Chinese botanical resources, and cultivated more than 3,100 species of plants.


 ? 主语省略:在长句中,英语的每个短句都说明主语,汉语通常只出现一个主语,其余的省略。原文指明“the garden”,译文省略了主语,直接表述为19431938年期间,与国内外植物学……”
